world current affairs 2007

- Sudan president - Omar al-Bashir
- first snowfall in 89 years - Buenos Aires(argentina)
- murder of some 1.5 million Armenians during World War I - by turkey
- Winter Olympics in 2014 - Sochi, Russia
- Cyclone Sidr - Bangladesh
- Askariya Shrine - Samarra
- The Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, massacred between 1 million and 2 million people in what country in the 1970s? - Cambodia
- Ukrainian President - Viktor Yushchenko
- Nicolas Sarkozy, the conservative candidate,
- Ségolène Royal, of the Socialist Party
- Earthquake and Tsunami Strike the Solomon Islands
- Rev. Ian Paisley - Northern Ireland executive government.
- Robert Zoellick as the president of the World Bank
- crimes against humanity for supporting rebel troops in Sierra Leone's brutal civil war that claimed the lives of about 300,000 people in the 1990s. - Former Liberian Dictator Charles Taylor
- G8 Conference - Heiligendamm, agree to consider ways to halve greenhouse gas emissions by global climate policy by 2009, a potential successor to the Kyoto Protocol.spend $60 billion to treat AIDS and other diseases in the third world.
- Israeli Prime Minister - Ehud Barak
- Chemical Ali - Ali Hassan al-Majid
- Israeli President in Rape Case - Moshe Katsav
- News Corporation - Rupert Murdoch, Wins Approval to Buy Dow Jones ( previously owned by The Bancroft family)
- Xanana Gusmão as prime minister - East Timor
- new constitution - Thailand
- President of Turkey - Abdullah Gul
- Barbara Morgan - former teacher , Endeavour to the International Space Station
- Quake Near Lima, Peru
- Hurricane Dean - Mexico
- Viktor Zubkov - Russian PM
- Yasuo Fukuda - Japanese PM
- Three Earthquakes Strike Indonesia
- Cristina Fernández de Kirchner - president argentine
- Wildfires Devastate Southern California
- Discovery - space shuttle
- President Mikheil Saakashvili - Georgia
- Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch - Khmer Rouge Leader
- Prime Minister Fouad Siniora - Lebanon
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